Arrested Development

di SIMONE CHIERCHINI - Taken from "The Translator", the book-interview produced by Aikido Italia Network Publishing, this chapter deals with the thorny issue of the development of Aikido or rather its current non-development. Has the practice of our Art become crystallized and a sort of Takemusu Aiki in reverse? We asked Christopher Li, an aikidoka who describes himself as a "hobbyist with a speciality". Through his research and writings, Chris has made an important contribution to the understanding of modern Aikido. His views on Aikido, its history and future developments are unconventional and often "politically incorrect", but he is not afraid to share them. This chapter of "The Translator", like the rest of the book, is not easy reading for those unwilling to discuss the official narrative of our art and its people…

1942 – La “Vraie” Démonstration

par SIMONE CHIERCHINI - La (tristement) célèbre “True Demonstration” a eu lieu en Mandchourie pendant l’été 1942. L’occasion fut le 10ème Anniversaire de la Fondation du Manchukuo, le gouvernement fantoche japonais de la Mandchourie, régi par Pu Yi, le “Dernier Empereur” mis en scène par le réalisateur Bertolucci

The Translator – Interview with Christopher Li

di SIMONE CHIERCHINI - Christopher Li calls himself a "hobbyist with a specialty", however, thanks to his research and writing he has given an important contribution to the understanding of modern Aikido. His views on Aikido, its history and future developments are unconventional and often "politically incorrect" but he's not afraid to share them. This is not an interview for those unwilling to discuss the official narrative of our art and its people…

Senta Yamada: the “Father” of UK Tomiki Aikido

by PAUL WILDISH - Senta Yamada was the first exponent of Tomiki Aikido to come to the UK, to teach professionally. Yamada, a 6th Dan in both judo and aikido, arrived in London with a training pedigree second to none. Not only was he one of Kenji Tomiki’s original students in the formative days of Tomiki Aikido’s genesis but he had also spent nine months as an uchideshi (a live in student) of Morihei Ueshiba. As with Kenji Tomiki and Hideo Ohba them-selves he had had the inestima-ble experience of learning direct-ly from the ‘Founder’ of aikido without mediation or re-interpretation by others

Takako Kunigoshi, l’Artiste et Budoka du Kobukan Dojo

par SIMONE CHIERCHINI - Dans le Kobukan dojo de Ueshiba le sexe d'appartenance n'avait pas beaucoup d'importance, une fois sur le tatami, Voici l'histoire de Takako Kunigoshi, la pionnière de l'Aikido d'avant-guerre qui est derrière à "Aikijujutsu Renshu", le tout premier livre de Morihei Ueshiba

Kobudō Kenkyukai IV: L’Eredità

di ADRIANO AMARI - La chiusura del Kobudō Kenkyukai nel 1938 rappresenta una prima avvisaglia di come il Jūdō si apprestava a iniziare una lunga discesa qualitativa, dove gli insegnamenti di Jigoro Kanō sensei sarebbero stati progressivamente disattesi, nonostante la sorveglianza di alcuni “guardiani” come Mifune sensei, che curò la direzione tecnica del Kōdōkan per molti anni. È chiaro che esisteva un gruppo influente, all’interno del Kōdōkan, che era più interessato all’aspetto politico ed economico della disciplina che alla visione del Fondatore

Hideo Ohba – The Aikido of “Quiet Taste”

by PAUL WILDISH - More than anyone else, Ohba Hideo sensei can be considered the ‘teacher’ of Tomiki Aikido. Prof. Tomiki was the architect of Kyogi (Competitive) Aikido, the developer of systems and technique and conductor of seminars. As Tomiki had his professorial duties at Waseda and his academic work within the Kodokan and learned Budo societies, it was very much Ohba’s job to teach the student clubs and develop the next generation of teachers. I have always described Ohba as the most perfect self-effacing disciple but I think he deserves to be considered the most perfect partner that Tomiki could have wished for

Le Tecniche Imparate Attraverso il Kata Possono Essere Rivitalizzate con il Randori

di KENJI TOMIKI - Quei tipi di bujutsu che con la scomparsa degli scontri di strada avevano perso l'opportunità di allenarsi nello shiai mostrarono segni di degenerazione, a causa del fatto che era impossibile per i loro praticanti sperimentare personalmente il vero potere delle arti marziali e il nucleo dei principi delle arti. Come mezzo per correggere questo declino, furono inventate la pratica con la spada di bambù del Kenjutsu e la pratica del combattimento libero (randori geiko) del Jujutsu

Takako Kunigoshi, Artista e Budoka del Kobukan Dojo

di SIMONE CHIERCHINI - Nel Kobukan dojo di Ueshiba il sesso di appartenenza non aveva molta importanza una volta che ci si era inchinati sul tatami. Ecco la storia di Takako Kunigoshi, la pioniera dell'Aikido anteguerra che è dietro ad "Aikijujutsu Renshu", il primo libro in assoluto di Morihei Ueshiba

Takako Kunigoshi, Kobukan Dojo Artist and Budoka

by SIMONE CHIERCHINI - In Ueshiba's Kobukan dojo gender didn't matter much once you bowed onto the tatami. Here's the story of Takako Kunigoshi, the female prewar Aikido pioneer that is behind Morihei Ueshiba's first-ever book "Aikijujutsu Renshu"